Monday, January 18, 2010

Wonderful Weather!

It got about 40 degrees (F) today!  AND the sun was shining!  Yes!  So I not only played with Cal...but my three other horses, too!

Cal I played for a tiny bit on the ground.  Backing by the tail was the best ever!  And he was being pretty confident and cool...wringing his head at me and offering to canter once or twice.  Then I rode.  Much fun. He was a lot more relaxed and thinking when I did follow the rail today.  He kept ducking into the oddest spots that were really tight and claustrophic with no way out but to back up.  I think he wanted to stand still.  Haha.

Lyssi I didn't do much.  For a LBE/RBE she is extremely food motivated.  I was having trouble haltering, so I used treats as she's wonderful, after only a couple times doing it.  Haha.  Anway, once I get the halter on, she gets really subdued.  At liberty she's so opinionated, but as soon as the halter goes on she get's really quiet.  So I'm mostly hanging out and observing her, trying to see if I can draw her out.

Buttons I took to the arena to see if I could help him gain confidence with his zone 5...aiming towards trailer loading.  Got three feet on the pedestal, backed up to a jump and touched it with his legs, went over a tarp confidently, and confidently squeezed over the trailer ramp and was able to stand on it.

Furi I didn't do much either.  It was getting late and cold.  But I played the first 5 games, focusing on porcupining and driving the front end.  Trying to help him learn to just move his front end and keep his back feet still to help my dad.  (Who taught him to just pivot around his middle.)

Looooving the weather and horse play!  =D


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